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  • Remote
    • Polska, Mazowieckie, Poland
  • IT
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Legal Agreements

The recruitment process is administered by HireVision sp. z o.o. (“HireVision”) with the registered office at Pszenna 5/50 Street, 30-654 in Kraków, in their capacity as provider of recruitment services.

I have read and accepted HireVision Privacy Policy. I hereby agree to process my personal data in this questionnaire and other submitted documents to conduct and manage the recruitment processes by HireVision sp. z o.o., including the provision of sharing such data to potential employers. I confirm that all data I submit is voluntary and declare that I am aware of my right to control the processing of my personal data, including the right to obtain information about my personal data and the recipients of the data, my right to complete and update the data, the rectification of personal data, right to request or remove my personal data and right to object to processing and to transfer data to potential employers.